Hollywood Zombie Pics of the Rich and Famous!

 Hollywood Zombies
 2  Wacko Jacko
 3  Paris Hellton
 4  Tom Ooze
 5  Oprah Winfreak
 6  Scary-Kate & Ghastly
 7  Hacked Hogan
 8  Dick Stark & Ryan Seepcrust
 9  Howeird Stern
10  Messica Simpson
11  Killiam Fatner
12  Martha Skewered
13  Al Pacreepo
14  Morguedonna
15  Frighty Klum
16  Ghoulia Roberts
17  Teri Hatchet
18  Cameron Demise
19  Leo Decapitate
20  Rachael Rot
21  Gashlee Simpson
22  Maim-Me Foxx
23  Tobey Magore
24  Janet Whackson
25  Matthew McConaughell
26  Tom Hacks
27  Drew Burymore
28  Adam Slayer
29  Johnny Death
30  Simon Cruell
31  Rancid O'Donnell
32  Beyonslay
33  David Wreck'Em & Posh Slice
34  Halle Buried
35  Donald Stump
36  Melt Gibson
37  George Gloomy
38  Snoop Digg
39  Elijah Deadwood
40  Nicole Retchie
41  Sylvester Headstone
42  Robert Defearo
43  Spawn Penn
44  Don Imess
45  Britney Speared
46  Johnny Knockedoff
47  Nicolas Rage
48  Patrick Dumpsey
49  Terror Banks
50  Minced Vaughn & Owen Killson
51  Sanjaya Malakarcass
52  Deaddie Murphy
53  Pamela Undeadson
54  Samuel Hell Jackson
55  Lindsay Loco
56  Sickira
57  Michael Retcheds
58  Hack Sickolson
59  Killfor Sutherland
60  Slayomi Campbell
61  Jack Blechh
62  Will Feral & Jon Hater
63  Bradgelina
64  Bruise Willis
65  Ashton Butcher
66  Demi Morgue
67  Jon Spewart & Stephen Ghoulbert
68  John Revolta
69  Danny Deceasdo
70  Arnold Corpsenegger
71  George W. Botch
72  Checklist

Hulk Hogan

7  Hacked Hogan




Celebrity News from the Horror Channel:

"They're coming to get you, Barbara!" -- California is being overrun with Zombie sightings.  Celebrity cruise lines are feeling the greatest burden, as the undead stars feast on passengers' brains.  Below is the latest list of Hollywood Zombies still at large.

Adam Sandler
Al Pacino
Angelina Jolie

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ashlee Simpson
Ashley Olson 
Ashton Kutcher
Beyonce Knowels
Brad Pitt
Britney Spears
Bruce Willis
Cameron Diaz
Danny DeVito
David Beckham
Demi Moore
Dick Clark
Don Imus
Donald Trump
Drew Barrymore
Eddie Murphy
Elijah Wood
George W. Bush
George Clooney
Halle Berry
Heidi Klum
Howard Stern

Hulk Hogan
Jack Black
Jack Nicholson
Jamie Foxx
Janet Jackson
Jessica Simpson
John Travolta
Johnny Depp
Johnny Knoxville
Jon Heder
Jon Stewart
Julia Roberts
Kiefer Sutherland
Larry King
Leonardo Dicaprio
Lindsay Lohan
Martha Stewart
Mary Kate Olson
Matthew McConaughey
Mel Gibson

Michael Jackson
Michael Richards
Mike Tyson
Naomi Campbell
Nick Nolte
Nicolas Cage

Nicole Richie
Oprah Winfrey
Owen Wilson
Pamela Anderson
Paris Hilton
Patrick Dempsey
Posh Spice
Rachael Ray
Robert DeNiro
Rosie O'Donnell
Ryan Seacrest
Samuel L. Jackson
Sanjaya Malakar
Sean Penn
Simon Cowell
Snoop Dogg
Stephen Colbert
Sylvester Stallone
Teri Hatcher
Tobey Maguire
Tom Cruise
Tom Hanks
Tyra Banks
Vince Vaughn
Will Ferrell
William Shatner